
亚洲博彩平台排名 University offers students a unique academic program tailored to their creative and career interests. 通过实地调研, 出国留学, 实习及其他机会, our bachelor's degree in global studies explores the economic, 政治, social and environmental processes that shape our world, preparing students to solve complex problems in a rapidly evolving global society.

Address the World's Significant Challenges

亚洲博彩平台排名's global studies program includes an introduction to globalization and the methods used for discovering solutions to contemporary global problems, 外语培训, at least one semester of a 出国留学 or other international experience, and a culminating project that proposes solutions to a global problem within a local context.

除了, global studies majors complete at least four courses to form a concentration related to one of the critical concerns of mercy or some other aspect of socioeconomic inequality. Designed by the end of the sophomore year, concentrations reflect students’ research interests and are planned in consultation with program faculty.


The interdisciplinary coursework offered by the Department of Cultural, Environmental and 全球研究 allowed me to become a more well-rounded person. Besides the plethora of classes that are tailored to a wide variety of interests, the department is comprised of the most intelligent and capable professors. These are the most supportive professors at 亚洲博彩平台排名 who take a genuine interest in not only the student but the person. They'll support you in more ways than one, and I am forever grateful I declared my major and joined their family.

詹娜·帕克,23岁,政策研究员.S. 参议院


Overcoming the most significant challenges facing the world 今天 - such as climate change, 资源稀缺, violent conflict and discrimination - requires the understanding of multiple perspectives and the integration of knowledge. To gain the skills needed to address these challenges, our students draw on the expertise of faculty in a number of carefully selected fields.​




Our graduates are well prepared for careers in international business, 国际关系, 社会服务, 语言服务, 教育, 通信, 国际公法, 国际贸易与旅游.

Recent alumni have become interpreters, served overseas in the Peace Corps and worked in the U.S. 国务院. Others have entered graduate programs in urban planning, human rights and global governance at institutions such as American University, 波士顿学院, 布兰代斯大学, 哥伦比亚大学, Harvard University and New York University.

 在药膏, the variety of courses I was offered and the Core Curriculum enabled me to keep up with 政治, economic and religious conversations professionally. No matter how much you may think math, science or history is irrelevant to your future professional plans, the liberal arts 教育 absolutely makes us a strong group of well-rounded students. 雇主喜欢这样. ​

Hannah Cazzetta ’15, associate director of advising, 亚洲博彩平台排名 University​



16门课程| 48学分


  • CEG222:研究方法
  • CEG450:顶点
  • 宏观经济学入门
  • 环境正义
  • GLO100: Introduction to 全球研究
  • GLO350:地球2050
  • POL345: 国际 Environment and Development
  • Two intermediate-level foreign language courses

Students choose one of the following courses:

  • BIO140:人类及其环境
  • 社会学的想象力
  • SOA130: 人类学: Interpreting Cultural Differences

Students choose two of the following courses:

  • ENG205: Contemporary Global Literature
  • HIS265:现代全球历史
  • POL240:比较政治学

Students also take at least four courses to form a concentration related to one of the five critical concerns of mercy (immigration, 环境, 暴力, racism and gendered injustice) or some other aspect of socioeconomic inequality.

Global studies majors participate in at least one semester of a 出国留学 or other international experience, selected with guidance from the Office of 国际 Programs and program faculty. This experience can be used to fulfill course requirements in the major and in the University's general curriculum.

Majors must also demonstrate an intermediate level of proficiency in a language other than English, and are required to complete coursework in the native language of their destination during their 出国留学 experience.



5门课程| 15学分


  • GLO100: Introduction to 全球研究

Students also choose three of the following courses:

  • BIO140:人类及其环境
  • BIO255:对话生物学
  • CEG390:当前问题
  • ENG205: Contemporary Global Literature
  • 环境正义
  • ENV340: Coastal 经济学 and the Maritime Environment
  • GLO350:地球2050
  • HIS265:现代全球历史
  • POL240:比较政治学
  • POL345: 国际 Environment and Development
  • 社会学的想象力
  • SOA130: 人类学: Interpreting Cultural Differences
  • SOA249: Global Health: Society, Medicine and the Body
  • SOA350:食物很重要

除了, minors complete at least three credits of a 出国留学 experience.


What you enjoy doing outside the classroom is as important as what you study in high school. To gauge your interest in pursuing our global studies program to prepare yourself for a career, 你可能会:

  • 国际旅游
  • Volunteer with a community organization
  • 学习一门语言
  • Interact with people who are different from yourself


  • 人类学
  • 经济学
  • 政治与政府
  • 世界历史