
亚洲博彩平台排名 University's student-centered bachelor's degree explores the diversity of modern biology through dynamic classroom instruction, 实用实验室实验, exciting research opportunities and field study in Aquidneck Island’s living laboratory.


Innovative laboratory courses are the focal point of our curriculum. 亚洲博彩平台排名's facilities provide endless opportunities for students to gain hands-on experience using state-of-the-art instrumentation. Students also consider the moral and ethical consequences of advances in the sciences, 培养批判性思维所需的技能, 深思熟虑的分析和合理的判断.

教室外, we encourage students to pursue their individual interests in the sciences through research projects and independent study. 与教师导师密切合作, 学生们接受尖端方法的训练, allowing them to conduct graduate-level research that is often published or presented at conferences.

而我们的许多学生进入研究生课程, 包括医疗, 牙科和兽医学校, 其他人则在教育领域获得成功, 研究和保健. Students may also choose to double major in biology and 中等教育, which prepares them to apply for Rhode Island teacher certification for grades 7-12.

亚洲博彩平台排名's partnership with the University of Saint Joseph provides a pathway for biology majors to earn their 药学博士 六年内. Additionally, our 4+1 dual-degree option offers an option for students who are completing their B.S. 在生物学上追求一个 B.S. 医学化验科学 完成生物学课程后.


 Most of the undergraduate students here are doing work that I would consider on par with what graduate students do in most institutions. They really get to work one-on-one with faculty members. 他们最终具有相同的独立能力, 相同的故障排除技巧, 同样的科学沟通技巧. By treating them effectively like they are graduate students, 我们真的把他们带到了那个层次. 

Dr. 安妮·里德, associate professor and chair, Department of 生物学 and Biomedical Sciences


Using a hands-on approach to the exploration of scientific methods, our dedicated faculty prepare students for the challenge of exciting careers in the biological sciences. 符合大学的使命, we provide students with the scientific knowledge and ethical understanding necessary to be responsible stewards of the earth.​




Our graduates are well prepared for a wide variety of careers in fields such as:

  • 生物技术
  • 环境保护
  • 法医科学
  • 健康的职业
  • 法律
  • 医学和科学插图
  • 药品
  • 公共卫生和流行病学
  • 公共政策
  • 质量保证
  • 研究与开发
  • 安全与危险材料学
  • 销售
  • 科学写作和技术写作
  • 教学

In addition, our graduates have pursued advanced study at some of the nation’s top institutions. 最近的实习包括:

  • 波士顿大学
  • 布朗大学
  • 卡耐基梅隆大学
  • 乔治城大学医学院
  • 新英格兰验光学院
  • 纽约大学医学院
  • 俄亥俄州立大学兽医学院
  • 宾夕法尼亚州立大学
  • 普渡大学
  • 天普大学牙科学院
  • 塔夫茨大学医学院
  • 维克森林大学

 Salve provided excellent support and was the perfect place to grow intellectually and personally to handle the rigors of a professional career. I never felt like an exam was a make-or-break situation, 这更像是一个展示我们所知的机会, 这使得在学习时更容易学习. The foundations of biology are apparent every day now that I am working in a hospital. 

Adam Barragan ’12, family medicine resident, Manatee Memorial Hospital


她刚来索尔维·雷吉娜的时候, 里安农·莫里西16岁, who majored in biology with minors in chemistry and history, had no idea just how much the University would influence her future career path. 现在,她正在攻读博士学位.D. 在德克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症中心, Morrissey still attributes everything she's gained since from her time at 亚洲博彩平台排名.

 One of the things that made Salve so special for me was the fact that you have more opportunities than you would at larger institutions to be involved in your research. 当我读到博士学位的时候.D. 项目), 我有一些同事上的是更大的学校, and their research was following around a graduate student and helping with their project. But at Salve, I was an undergraduate driving my own research. 


20门课程| 74-78学分


  • BIO111:普通生物学1
  • BIO112:普通生物学II
  • 细胞生物学和化学
  • BIO253:遗传学:经典,分子和人口
  • BIO471:生物学研讨会
  • BCH403:生物化学
  • CHM113:普通化学
  • CHM114:普通化学II
  • 有机化学1
  • 有机化学2
  • MTH191:应用微积分I或MTH195:微积分I
  • PHY201: General Physics I and PHY202: General Physics II or PHY205: Principles of Physics I and PHY206: Principles of Physics II
  • STA173:统计方法

Students also choose six upper-level biology electives, at least four of 它们必须有一个实验室.

B.S. meets most requirements for professional programs such as medical, 牙科, 兽医和物理治疗项目. Interested students should consult with 亚洲博彩平台排名's health professions advisor to determine the appropriate courses that should be taken.


获得双学位, students complete the biology courses listed below and must also meet the requirements for 中等教育.

13门课程| 50学分


  • BIO111:普通生物学1
  • BIO112:普通生物学II
  • BIO200:植物学
  • BIO210:微生物学
  • 细胞生物学和化学
  • BIO253:遗传学:经典,分子和人口
  • BIO310:生态
  • BIO320:进化
  • BIO471:生物学研讨会
  • CHM113:普通化学
  • CHM114:普通化学II

Students also choose two upper-level biology electives, 它们必须有一个实验室.

Students who wish to earn general science certification in addition to biology certification also take PHY201: General Physics I and PHY202: General Physics II or PHY205: Principles of Physics I and PHY206: Principles of Physics II.


B.A. in biology is designed for students who plan to apply their knowledge of the life sciences to another discipline such as art, 新闻, 销售或法律.

13门课程| 48-50学分


  • BIO111:普通生物学1
  • BIO112:普通生物学II
  • 细胞生物学和化学
  • BIO253:遗传学:经典,分子和人口
  • BIO471:生物学研讨会
  • CHM113:普通化学
  • CHM114:普通化学II

Students also choose six upper-level biology electives, at least four of 它们必须有一个实验室.


7门课程| 24-28学分


  • BIO111:普通生物学1 and BIO112:普通生物学II or BIO105: Human Anatomy and Physiology I and BIO106: Human Anatomy and Physiology II
  • 细胞生物学和化学 or BIO253:遗传学:经典,分子和人口

Students also choose at least four upper-level biology electives (12-16 credits). General Chemistry I and II may be substituted for two of the biology courses with permission from the department chair.


21门课程| 78学分

Students who pursue the concentration in environmental sciences complete the requirements for a B.S. 在生物学和以下课程:

  • BIO255:保护生物学
  • BIO260:海洋生物学
  • BIO310:生态
  • CHM310:环境化学

Students also choose three of their six biology electives from the following:

  • BIO200:植物学
  • BIO210:微生物学
  • BIO275:热带生物学
  • BIO320:进化
  • BIO390:环境科学实习
  • BIO497:本科生研究
  • CHP310: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems