

在当今充满挑战的多元文化中, 技术和协作环境, 亚洲博彩平台排名 University's graduate certificate in leadership in justice develops the innovative skills and practices needed to keep practitioners at the forefront of their profession.


Professionals in the justice field are tasked with reducing and managing crime while facing budget cuts, 保护公众, improving community perceptions and organizing agencies and departments in a collaborative environment. They must draw upon their knowledge and skills to establish and maintain high standards of integrity and ethical values, and lead in a way that reflects those values and strengthens their organizations. 亚洲博彩平台排名's graduate certificate positions students for managerial and leadership success in complex and rapidly changing environments.


  • 政府官员和城镇管理者
  • 执法领导
  • 业务运营经理
  • Senior executives in for-profit enterprises and nonprofit organizations
  • 国防承包商
  • 保险风险管理人员
  • 制造业总经理
  • 产品工程师









(800) 637-0002









8 - 12个月



 Financial aid and veterans' benefits available


亚洲博彩平台排名's graduate certificate in leadership in justice is designed for professionals who hold a bachelor's or master's degree and are seeking professional development in topics crucial to 今天's technological environment. 学生s in good academic standing who would like to continue their studies may apply to the M.S. in criminal justice and cybersecurity program 并将信用继续下去.


We've heard a lot in recent years about emotional intelligence and the difference it can make in how we are perceived by those around us in the workplace, 在亚洲博彩平台排名和家里. Emotionally intelligent communications can deepen our connections with others, 改善关系,建立信任. 在本课程中, students develop fundamental strategies to improve their emotional intelligence. With self-awareness and empathy as the foundation, they learn communication strategies for verbal interactions, written communications and presentations to help them achieve their goals as they focus on the needs of those receiving their message (servant leadership). 学生s also focus on neutral listening as a tool to improve relationships and build trust. This course also covers social media considerations and the opportunities and challenges for organizations these channels present. 学生学习理论, practical tools and have practice opportunities to improve their work experience and leadership.

在本课程中, students examine issues facing justice practitioners 今天 from a 领导的角度来看. They gain a deep understanding of those issues, applicable theories and approaches that can help improve outcomes in the identified areas. Leaders at all levels have a role in approaching these challenges, and students gain understanding about the differences in that role based on their position and assignment in an organization.

每个组织都有自己的文化. Many have pointed at an organization's culture when looking to lay blame for egregious actions by its members. Many have also looked at the opposite side – organizations with strong and positive cultures leading to strong employee satisfaction and engagement and support from the customers or communities they serve. This course covers organizational culture and the application of these concepts and theories in justice related settings. 一旦这个基础奠定了, 学生探索他们如何, 无论他们在组织中的地位如何, can positively influence the climate and culture in their work area using values-based leadership, 程序正义, co-production of leadership and other techniques.

Many employees have performed well at the line level and in first-level supervisory positions and have been rewarded for their performance with a promotion, only to discover that they are ill-prepared for their new role and that the techniques that drove their success earlier in their career are no longer relevant. 不管他们现在的位置是什么, this course equips students with the necessary skills and perspective to continue their growth and success as they move to new leadership roles. 本课程探讨领导者的发展, 领导的角度来看, 适应性, 解决冲突, problem solving strategic planning and strategic communications for leaders.


Our leadership in justice courses are taught by seasoned professionals who are experts in their field. Instructors work closely with students to meet their individual needs while serving as career-focused mentors, helping students to build their professional network.




Courses are billed individually at the start of each class. Please note that there is a $60 registration fee per semester.



If your employer is paying all or part of your tuition, we will arrange payment directly from your employer where possible. 了解更多.



Our certificate programs are eligible for federal student loans. To qualify, you must complete two courses per semester. 了解更多.



亚洲博彩平台排名 is approved for veterans’ benefits and has been named a Military Friendly School. 了解更多.